Author: spelmanda02

The NoVA Chapter of the NAASC is excited to announce the 2022-2024 Executive Board!    We look forward to their leadership and the continued success of the NoVA Chapter as they lead the Chapter to support Spelman College, our local sisters, the larger Northern Virginia community, and the NAASC.  Congratulations, Sisters! ...

Purchase Here! NoVA NAASC has partnered with LipRevolt to raise funds for scholarships and other community service projects!  LipRevolt is a cosmetics brand founded by Spelman Alumna, Courtney Stewart, C'2013.  During the week of November 29-December 5, NoVA NAASC will earn $9.60 for every lipstick sold. Purchase Here! ...

Let the warmth of Sisterhood take the chill from the air, and the spirit of the season make winter easier to bear. NoVA cordially invites you to attend a winter holiday celebration!  Please join us for an evening of food, drinks and merry-making.RSVP Here ...